Electrical Circuits

What this course entails:

According to the University of Connecticut website catalog, the description for ECE 2001 is as follows:

  • Prerequisites: MATH 2410Q or 2143Q and either PHYS 1402Q or 1502Q or 1602Q or 1230 or 1530, both of which may be taken concurrently. Not open for credit to students who have passed ECE 2000.

    Grading Basis: Graded.

    Analysis of electrical networks incorporating passive and active elements. Basic laws and techniques of analysis. Transient and forced response of linear circuits. AC steady state power and three-phase circuits. Periodic excitation and frequency response. Computer analysis tools. Design projects are implemented and tested in the laboratory. Laboratory reports are required for each project.

All about ECE 2001:

ECE 2001 was considered a "weed-out" course for incoming electrical engineering students or anyone in CSE. Thankfully I took this course as a senior, and had all possible pre-req knowledge of this course rather than taking the courses concurrently. Circuits was a very tough yet rewarding class due to the sheer amount of work every week - Three 1 hour lectures, 1 hour discussion followed by a 2 hour lab every week, and that does not even include the lab reports or homeworks involved that would take hours upon hours to finish (correctly). Aside from the time consumption of this class, it was intriguing to learn the nuances of electricity and get the fundamentals of how power and systems worked.